Christie’s Quick Late Summer Veggie Pasta

by Sherri Koehler on September 10, 2008

Yummy!  I should let her post about it!  Lots of Trader Joe’s stuff in tonight’s dinner!  I believe everything came from TJ’s unless it came from the garden.

We had sprouted wheat parpadalle pasta tossed with some artichoke antipasto stuff, topped with a Middle Eastern zucchini from our garden sautéed with garlic paste, spinach, and lemon juice.  Add some diced tomatoes from the garden and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and that’s dinner!

Dinner was very quick, hence Christie’s name for the dish, and a lovely way to appreciate more of the tasty things we planted this summer.  I especially enjoyed her use of “quick” and “late” following one another in the dish name.

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