Comments on: Cabbage with Green Chili & Mustard Seeds Celebrating peace and non-violence with delicious vegan food. Tue, 07 Feb 2012 04:42:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: sherri Tue, 07 Feb 2012 04:42:56 +0000 Hope you like the cabbage! This is so simple it nearly falls into the category of things I don’t think to post a recipe for, but I was on a roll with the lemon pulao and the dal, so I posted it up. I snapped a picture too and will add. I need to get one of the pulao, it turned out fabulously. The dal… it is coming along. The first attempt followed the recipe, but when I got home Christie told me to make it taste more like it came from an Indian restaurant and I winged it. So yeah…. it isn’t there yet. Certainly not fast cooking like the red lentils I saw on your site!

By: Bianca- Vegan Crunk Mon, 06 Feb 2012 17:24:40 +0000 Man, I could REALLY go for dal and cabbage about right now.
