The past few weeks can be summed up as, “Waaaaa, new job!!!!!”
I’ve been adapting to a great new job, but it adds 1-2 hours of commuting to my day so it has been a struggle to get the produce put away, much less documented. I have today off (company holiday) so it has made it easier to document our delivery and work on a new recipe post as well!
Today’s Box:
- green kale
- 2 leeks
- cauliflower
- 2 red pears
- spinach
- 4 avocados
- broccoli
- a carnival squash
- red potatoes
- celery
- 2 oranges
- 3 tangerines
- 3 apples
- beets
- turnips
In the fridge:
- cauliflower
- 2 butternut squash
- 2 grapefruit
- 5 pears
- several apples
- half an onion
- 2 heads of garlic
- celery
- a leek
- turnips
- chestnuts
- cranberries
- potatoes, potatoes, POTATOES! Yikes!
- Yams!
- broccoli
The Compost Pail of Shame:
- green kale
- collards
- a bag of overripe pears
- red grapes
- a few baby beets
- a few russet potatoes
- Technically 2 acorn and one half a hubbard squash all went in. Roasted, put in fridge, forgot to move to freezer 🙁