Comments on: Miso Udon Stew Celebrating peace and non-violence with delicious vegan food. Thu, 24 Jan 2013 16:16:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: sherri Thu, 24 Jan 2013 16:16:47 +0000 Hi, Aaron, are you asking if I have a kind of plug-in for the blog that formats the page for printing? I do not have such an item yet, but will look into if it supported with the theme we use for Vegan Nosh.

I found that when going vegan that it helped to think of it as entirely new cuisine I was learning how to cook instead of thinking of it as a cuisine “missing” anything. Before deciding that being vegan was the most compassionate choice I could make for my health, for other sentient beings, and for the planet, I’d learned a lot about classical Italian cooking, French cuisine, Mediterranean dishes of many different regions, and lots more. Vegan food was just the next cuisine to learn how to do well. Best wishes with your journey!

By: Aaron Thu, 24 Jan 2013 15:06:21 +0000 Do you have a print button I am missing so I can try some of these recipes that sound awesome? Going vegetarian/vegan, but still new to the game, but I love to cook so finding things that actually sound like I would make regardless of the missing animal products.
