Comments on: Drop the Food Chatter Celebrating peace and non-violence with delicious vegan food. Mon, 04 Oct 2010 17:50:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Amy Tue, 22 Sep 2009 06:07:44 +0000 Food is a celebration of life. It would just seem unnatural and wrong to stifle my internal or external enthusiasm about it. Sounds like an interesting exercise but not something for me!

By: Julie Tue, 22 Sep 2009 05:18:00 +0000 Nice article/rant! I'm chuckling just realizing I posted a ton of food porn pictures on Facebook this week. Guess, I missed that Mindfulness task when I was in China. Doh. There's a lot of chatter for me around food. What to eat when, where and why… What my ethical decisions around food are, and where my lines are drawn… When I'm in China it's nearly impossible to eat vegetarian, and I go with the flow. It's something I do to be a gracious guest, and also to give myself a break. Trying to eat vegetarian in Asia is exhausting when you don't speak the language. I also wonder about eating fish. I avoid the rest of the meats, but is it right to eat when the supply is dwindling and I may be filling my body with mercury? Right now I choose to eat it. I also give myself the right to change my mind if my heart guides me in a different direction. My relationship with food continues to change. I feel I've healed around it tremendously from my struggles with bulimia in high school and college. I've come to truly enjoy and appreciate eating. I've also become quite a proficient cook in the last several years. Food is such a fascinating subject with so many historical, cultural and ethical ramifications. I'm always fascinated in where food "comes" from literally and figuratively. I guess I don't want to drop the curiosity I have around food. Do you think that's a part of dropping the chatter?I guess I'll start working on dropping the chatter and report back!
